The Big Ideas network includes hundreds of individuals and organizations who support the contest in various capacities. Learn more about the academic and industry professionals in the Big Ideas Network below and apply today!
Each year, we look for 300+ judges to help us review submissions for each of our two contest rounds. Judges have the opportunity to preview and provide feedback on students’ innovative ideas, and help us to determine which teams move on as finalists and are ultimately selected as winners. Visit our judges page to learn more about becoming a judge!
Starting in mid-February, Big Ideas finalists are carefully matched with mentors from our mentor pool who have relevant skills and expertise to their project. Mentors are professionals from a set of diverse fields, ranging from business and finance expertise, to entrepreneurship experience, to technical expertise in one of our category areas, and more. Together, finalists and mentors work to refine the team’s project ideas, explore what it will take to implement it, and ultimately develop a 9-page “final proposal,” due April 2024. Visit our Mentor page to learn more about how to be included in our mentor pool!
Adara Citron
Senior Principal Analyst
California Health Benefits Review Program, UC Berkeley
Guillaume Signorino
Head of International Relations & Sustainable Development
Université PSL
Ivan Low
Assistant Director
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts