Roach Protein
This project aims to produce of an alternative protein feed additive from farmed Periplaneta Americana cockroaches. This protein will be a direct substitute to the fishmeal protein that is currently used in poultry, piggery, and aquaculture feed formulation in Uganda and East Africa. Cockroach is an alternative insect protein source, which can sustainably be reared … Continue reading “Roach Protein”
- Team Members: Kamulegeya Grace B, Wambi Peter, Watuwa James, Isabirye Robert Alex
- Food and Agriculture
- Makerere University
- 2017

There exists gross demoralizations in the seafood system in the US- 43% of US wild caught seafood is exported, 90% of seafood consumed in the US is imported , 60% of imports being inferior, unstandardized aquaculture, and 30% illegally imported. This project envisions a Tech+SEAfood solution for alternative seafood marketing networks (ASN) to improve efficiency, … Continue reading “Tech+SEAfood”
- Team Members: Stephanie Webb, Josh Stoll
- Food and Agriculture
- UC Santa Cruz
- 2017

Planet Murple
Planet Murple inspires kids to explore natural food through creative cooking and playful media. We help kids and their families build happy relationships to healthy food! Our world is based on a fantastical planet made entirely of natural food and follows the adventures of the Murples. Kids interact with the Murples through Storytime Recipes via … Continue reading “Planet Murple”
- Team Members: Miriam Rosas Cano, Isaac Chau, Shanna Hoversten, Emily Yao
- Food and Agriculture
- UC Berkeley
- 2017

Farmview: New Power for Tenant Farmers
In California, just as low-income residents struggle to find affordable housing, farmers also face a cutthroat farmland rental market. If beginning farmers can’t find land for agriculture, then the ‘young farmer movement’ is a pipe dream. In California, 41 percent of all farmland is rented out to others, and new tenants face exorbitant rental … Continue reading “Farmview: New Power for Tenant Farmers”
- Team Members: Adam Calo, Karin Goh, Natalia Lyson
- Food and Agriculture
- UC Berkeley
- 2017

Financial institutions face a big challenge when offering agricultural financial credit. They have inefficient mechanisms to evaluate a farmer’s credit worthiness in relation to the sector-specific risks such as production, price and market risks. Most financial institutions do not have reliable credit risk analysis models to guide them in best evaluating farmers. Without a proper … Continue reading “HingiCredit”
- Team Members: Jarvin Mutatiina, Kamulegeya Grace B, Musimire Mary, Buluma Lynette Wabwire, Akankwasa Brian
- Financial Inclusion
- Makerere University
- 2017

Accelerating Low-to-Moderate Income Customer Inclusion in Community Solar
Solar is booming and the price is lower than ever. Yet, 80% of America is locked out of the rooftop solar market. Solstice radically expands access to clean energy by providing community-shared solar power to underserved American households. This model enables any resident to enjoy clean energy at no upfront cost and save money on … Continue reading “Accelerating Low-to-Moderate Income Customer Inclusion in Community Solar”
- Team Members: Steph Speirs
- Financial Inclusion
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 2017

Housing has gotten unaffordable across much of the US. With home prices having gone from 2X to 4X the median family income over the past 40 years, 53-77% of the population can’t afford to buy today in metro areas across the country. This means that they are forced to rent for years on end instead … Continue reading “HomeSlice”
- Team Members: Anna Roumiantseva, Anne Ready, PJ O’Neil
- Financial Inclusion
- UC Berkeley
- 2017

Bio-inspired Desalination for Off-Grid Water Treatment
Access to clean water is a luxury many of us take for granted. Yet, millions of people worldwide are not so lucky. Our team will use existing infrastructure and familiarity with solar technologies, off-grid, bio-inspired desalination through synthetic transpiration to help enable the provision of clean water access to nearly 75 million households in India … Continue reading “Bio-inspired Desalination for Off-Grid Water Treatment”
- Team Members: Casey Finnerty, Caroline Evans, Eric Garcia, Rebecca Kaliff
- Climate, Energy & Sustainability
- UC Berkeley
- 2017

Millions of homes waste enormous amounts of energy through needlessly heating water heaters which they do not always need. PowerTank wants to change this by integrating three simple, existing pieces of technology, adding machine learning, and unleashing the energy storage potential of things we already own. Consider this: a 50 gallon hot water tank with … Continue reading “PowerTank”
- Team Members: Imran Sheikh, Ian Bolliger
- Climate, Energy & Sustainability
- UC Berkeley
- 2017