FloGlow: Low Cost Spirometer
Developing countries have a dire need for measuring the respiratory health of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. Spirometry is the gold standard in developed countries for diagnosing respiratory illnesses. However, spirometers are costly and require a reliable power supply, regular maintenance, and a computer for operation. All of these requirements … Continue reading “FloGlow: Low Cost Spirometer”
- Team Members: Marisa Babb, Luke Stork
- Global Health
- UC Berkeley
- 2016

VIRA: A Low-Cost HIV Viral Load Quantification System
Viral load testing is increasingly supported as a necessary component of the HIV management cycle. Regular monitoring for treatment failure by a viral load test is endorsed by the World Health Organization as essential to a globally sustainable treatment plan. Tijuana has been identified as the potential site of an HIV epidemic due to both … Continue reading “VIRA: A Low-Cost HIV Viral Load Quantification System”
- Team Members: Neel Parekh, Yajur Maker, Orysya Stus, Christopher Yin, Bryce Killingsworth, Michael Wang, Jahir Gutierrez
- Global Health
- UC San Diego
- 2016

Open Viral Load
The Open Viral Load project aims to develop an open-source, affordable genetic assay test for HIV that can be easily modified to test other pathogenic diseases, such as tuberculosis and the Zika virus. As part of the Global TIES organization, the Open Viral Load team is working with both the UC San Diego School of … Continue reading “Open Viral Load”
- Team Members: Hayley Chong, Kirk Hutchison, Rachel Owyeung, Alex Smith, Wesly Wong
- Global Health
- UC San Diego
- 2016

Bug Ideas: Feeding the World With Insects Without Ever Eating Insects
According to the UN Environment Programme, roughly one third of the food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted. Simultaneously, forage fish stocks, which are a key component of the oceanic lifecycle, are declining due to overfishing. They are being harvested to be processed into fishmeal, which feed the aquaculture boom and livestock. Black … Continue reading “Bug Ideas: Feeding the World With Insects Without Ever Eating Insects”
- Team Members: Alexander Klonick, Tess Petesch, Amanda Bushell
- Food and Agriculture
- Duke University
- 2016

Unmanned Ground Vehicle for Water Leak Detection
The Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) project is the future of the next generation’s agricultural gadgets. Instead of the past’s archaic methods of manually searching for leaks with acoustic procedures, the UGV project hopes to replace the previous methods with a more strategic appliance – a powerful camera attached onto a fully autonomous vehicle. Utilizing a … Continue reading “Unmanned Ground Vehicle for Water Leak Detection”
- Team Members: Jan Tanja, Brandon Yang, Brian Swain, Elizabeth Arikawa, Jad Aboulhosn
- Food and Agriculture
- UC Merced
- 2016

70% of the world’s poor are smallholder farmers, and they produce 80% of the global food. However, these farmers are poor and food insecure. By 2050, the world will need to produce at least 50% more food to feed 9 billion people. This dual-pronged problem of poverty and food insecurity is caused by 3 main … Continue reading “Ricult”
- Team Members: Aukrit Unahalekhaka, Jonathan Stoller
- Food and Agriculture
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 2016

Just Ripe
Just Ripe takes serving food to a whole new level. Just Ripe’s products—soups, salads, and smoothies all created from 100% recovered, organic produce — will be pedaled around Oakland’s streets on an innovative, eye-catching food bike. The team aims to hold daily “kickstands,” or food bike sales, at Downtown Oakland tech companies to sell products … Continue reading “Just Ripe”
- Team Members: Geertje Grootenhuis, Kayla Smith, Jessica Welsh, Claire Rosenfield, Ryan Riddle
- Food and Agriculture
- UC Berkeley
- 2016

Poverty Alleviation through Poultry Education
The One Health Nicaragua team will address food insecurity concerns in Sabana Grande, Nicaragua, by working with children and focusing on improving poultry production. Integrative workshops for students in Sabana Grande will focus on egg production, chick care, coop management, and disease prevention. Local students will manage a demonstration flock providing them the opportunity to … Continue reading “Poverty Alleviation through Poultry Education”
- Team Members: Hana Link, Samantha Lawton, Laura Budd, Michelle-Yvette Luis, Sarah Tirrell, Marina Boucher, Kim Conway, Abigail Fosdick, June Barrera
- Food and Agriculture
- UC Davis
- 2016

Safi Organics
Safi Organics produces a carbon-negative soil conditioner derived from biomass (farm) waste. Designed for rural smallholder farmers, the soil conditioner leads to a 30% increase in crop yield and 50% increase in income by reversing soil degradation. Biomass waste is present in most rural farms every year after harvest, and yet most of this waste … Continue reading “Safi Organics”
- Team Members: Kevin Kung
- Food and Agriculture
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 2016