Piezoelectric Shoe Sole GPS Tracker
In an effort to fight child trafficking in developing countries, Piezoelectric Shoe Sole GSP Tracker endeavors to manufacture a low-cost and ergonomic children’s shoe with an embedded GPS data logger powered by piezoelectric materials. The technology will provide a powerful, more reliable, energy efficient tracking solution to the growing child abduction epidemic. The team will … Continue reading “Piezoelectric Shoe Sole GPS Tracker”
- Team Members: Angie Wang, Henry Wang, Philip Brown, Louis Kang
- Information Technology for Society
- UC Berkeley
- 2015

Emmunify: A Simple Tool to Save Lives with Vaccination
Globally, millions of children die from vaccine preventable diseases because they are not fully immunized. In North India, fewer than 50% of children are fully immunized; Emmunify uses communications technology to help vaccinate more infants so they can live longer and healthier, perform better in school, and escape poverty. Emmunify effectively and efficiently tracks … Continue reading “Emmunify: A Simple Tool to Save Lives with Vaccination”
- Team Members: Isheeta Madeka, Jennifer Sisto, Emma Dubin-Rouda, Samantha Ngo, Jessica Watterson, Anandomoy Sen, Julia Walsh
- Scaling Up
- UC Berkeley
- 2015

Bahay Kubo – Gardens of Living Tradition
Bahay Kubo (“Little House”) revitalizes Filipino food and culture to promote health through the creation of a culturally based garden and culinary arts program. Bahay Kubo’s purpose is to lift up sustainable, healthy Filipino food practices that can ignite a culture shift towards good health. This will be accomplished by 1) culinary and nutrition education … Continue reading “Bahay Kubo – Gardens of Living Tradition”
- Team Members: Aileen Suzara, Aileen Suzara, Michelle Domocol, Stephanie Line
- Food and Agriculture
- UC Berkeley
- 2015

Highland Health Advocates
Based in Oakland, Highland Health Advocates is an advocacy program addressing socioeconomic determinants of health by connecting patients/families with community resources. As part of a larger consortium, HHA mobilizes highly-trained volunteers from various backgrounds to improve patients’ health outcomes. The program is comprised of clinic-based social screening and assistance programs, several of which use volunteers … Continue reading “Highland Health Advocates”
- Team Members: Lynn Pham, Shobna Khunkhun, Deborah Son, Alvin Chan, Juan Hurtado, Michelle Tong, Sandy Tran, Emily Kaner
- Scaling Up
- UC Berkeley
- 2015

In the United States, suicide rates have increased 60% over the last 50 years, depression is predicted to be the second-most prevalent health condition in the world within 5 years, and 1 in 3 regular kids have already engaged in self-injury by the time they reach adolescence. Just like learning math or a foreign … Continue reading “Lifenik”
- Team Members: Tchiki Davis, Michael Davis, Dav Clark, Brett Ford, David Klonsky
- Information Technology for Society
- UC Berkeley
- 2015

UC Berkeley Financial Literacy and Economic Justice Conference
This project seeks to implement a two-day “UC Berkeley Financial Literacy and Economic Justice” Conference, an annual, campus-wide event open to all college students. It will be the first student-led and student-organize conference of its kind. On the first day of the conference, facilitators from dozens of student organizations, UC Berkeley faculty, and community partners … Continue reading “UC Berkeley Financial Literacy and Economic Justice Conference”
- Team Members: Alex Mabanta, Nona Penner, Judy Li, Nicholas Wu, Erica Portillo, Jessie Wu
- Improving Student Life
- UC Berkeley
- 2015

Feces to Fuel: Saving Trees, Budgets, and Lungs
The increased market demand for household cooking fuel in Kenya provides an opportunity to improve livelihoods and the environment. This project unlocks the potential in human feces and other waste streams by transforming it into an affordable household cooking fuel. Sanivation, a partner organization, produces charcoal briquettes derived from human and agricultural waste that is … Continue reading “Feces to Fuel: Saving Trees, Budgets, and Lungs”
- Team Members: Catherine Berner, Emily Woods
- Climate, Energy & Sustainability
- UC Berkeley
- 2015

Kuy Kuitin: Mitigating Indigenous Conflicts Through Education in Chile
The Mapuche conflict of Southern Chile confronts Mapuche indigenous communities that fight to recuperate their lost territories against the Chilean state. National mass media outlets have been misinforming the national population about the causes of the violence labeling the Mapuche movement as “terrorism.” However, specialists are in agreement that this is not the case and … Continue reading “Kuy Kuitin: Mitigating Indigenous Conflicts Through Education in Chile”
- Team Members: Cristobal Madero, Daniel Cano
- Art & Social Change, Conflict & Development
- UC Berkeley
- 2015

Visualizing the Invisible
This project seeks to develop an experiential learning tool that allows users to personally feel what it is like to be censored. The site would feature a highly visual and interactive system that allows users to see what content from their own document would be censored in China. The need for this project is twofold: … Continue reading “Visualizing the Invisible”
- Team Members: Jenny Lo, Sophia Lay, Faye Ip
- Open Data for Development
- UC Berkeley
- 2015