Past Winners

Graphene Supercapacitor: Graphene based energy storage solution

Traditional lithium-ion batteries are produced at an increasing rate and each year at the end of their lives, they introduce over a hundred million pounds of chemical waste into the environment. The project’s main objectives are to develop a supercapacitor that serves as an energy storage alternative to traditional mobile device batteries and to create … Continue reading “Graphene Supercapacitor: Graphene based energy storage solution”

Heart Connection: An Interactive Multimedia Website for Adults

  In the 1980s, newborns with complex congenital heart disease (CCHD) began to survive past one year for the first time due to advances in cardiothoracic surgery and cardiovascular medicine. “Heart Connection” will be a website exploring what survivors of this condition experience daily, leaving evidence of how CCHD adults have been forced to reinvent … Continue reading “Heart Connection: An Interactive Multimedia Website for Adults”

Solidge: An Off-Grid, Solar-Powered Refrigerator

  In developing countries, electricity is often a luxury. People living in off-grid communities are not able to have a refrigerator, even though it is often the appliance they want the most. By integrating energy generation, storage and use into the same appliance, Solidge, an off-grid, solar-powered refrigeration system, solves grid unreliability by simply not … Continue reading “Solidge: An Off-Grid, Solar-Powered Refrigerator”

The Recreation House

The Recreation House will be a center for the development of teenagers and orphans in Vidin, Bulgaria. Located in an accessible location near the center of the city, a previously identified facility will be developed as multi-recreational and educational facility open to teenagers throughout the city, providing them with an environment where they have a … Continue reading “The Recreation House”

Reach! Leadership Camp for Tibetan Girls

Reach! is a summer leadership camp for Tibetan teenage girls to empower them to become the first female graduates of high school and college in their communities. The plan is to train top Chinese university students to serve as camp counselors for teenage girls from the Tibetan plateau. In the process, they will gain exposure … Continue reading “Reach! Leadership Camp for Tibetan Girls”

Maji Yaja Kwanza

Vision 2030 is Kenya’s national planning strategy for “becoming a middle-income country by 2030.” Despite economic advancements, roughly 17 million of Kenya’s 41 million people lack sufficient access to safe drinking water, and 28 million are without adequate sanitation. Maji Huja Kwanza (Water Comes First in Kiswahili) aims to bring lasting inclusiveness, representation, and opportunity … Continue reading “Maji Yaja Kwanza”

Youth Empowerment Centers for Marginalized Mexican Communities

The Adelante youth empowerment center will work with at-risk teens from Mexico who are academically demotivated or who have few resources available to them. It will motivate and empower them, supporting young professionals to be agents of change in their communities. The summer program centers will provide teens and communities with a safe haven dedicated … Continue reading “Youth Empowerment Centers for Marginalized Mexican Communities”

Sight 4 Everyone (e-Liiso)

Doctors and optometrists using e-liiso will be able to check patients’ abilities by just taking a flash picture from a phone camera to see color, test for long and short-sightedness, and also detect the presence of cataracts and other eye conditions. The app uses smartphones’ cameras, flashlights and display to check how the eyes react … Continue reading “Sight 4 Everyone (e-Liiso)”

Open Data for Developing Communities

The project’s goal is to create a collaborative platform to promote open data literacy. This platform will provide a curriculum that is focused on making open data more accessible and usable to students, policymakers, civil society organizations, journalists, and researchers. The team will distribute these materials to a network of partners who already have boots … Continue reading “Open Data for Developing Communities”