Highland Health Advocates
We believe all humans have the right to health and wellbeing regardless of socioeconomic status. The roots of good health must begin long before the administration of a therapeutic drug. Several socioeconomic factors including nutrition, housing, and education often determine a family’s state of health. We plan to train a group of committed undergraduates … Continue reading “Highland Health Advocates”
- Team Members: Sudarshan Bhat, Abby Burns, Gabriel Fregoso, and Wijin (Jason) Kim
- Promoting Human Rights
- 2013

The Pachamama Project
The Pachamama Project strives to eradicate taboos and stigmas associated with menstruation and improve the human right to clean water and education in Bolivia. The goal of the project is to develop and disseminate information regarding menstrual hygiene management (MHM) in underserved peri-urban indigenous and migrant communities in Cochabamba, Bolivia. By fostering community and school … Continue reading “The Pachamama Project”
- Team Members: Rebecca Peters, Lindsay Dreizler
- Promoting Human Rights
- UC Berkeley
- 2013

Bay Area Resource Connection: Health Equality Through Resource Consultation and Medical-Legal Partnerships
We believe all humans have the right to health and wellbeing regardless of socioeconomic status. The roots of good health must begin long before the administration of a therapeutic drug. Several socioeconomic factors including nutrition, housing, and education often determine a family’s state of health. We plan to train a group of committed undergraduates to … Continue reading “Bay Area Resource Connection: Health Equality Through Resource Consultation and Medical-Legal Partnerships”
- Team Members: Sudarshan Bhat, Abby Burns, Gabriel Fregoso, and Wijin (Jason) Kim
- Promoting Human Rights
- UC Berkeley
- 2013

L.I.F.E. Courses (Learning and Inspiring through Financial Education)
This project will target students and their parents through a year-round program focusing on financial literacy. This program will focus on Richmond High School in Richmond, CA, which is a socio-economically disadvantaged and underserved school primarily serving students of color. L.I.F.E. will also conduct a one-day conference on the UC Berkeley campus in the spring … Continue reading “L.I.F.E. Courses (Learning and Inspiring through Financial Education)”
- Team Members: Jacqueline Aldaco, Blanca Zepeda
- Financial Inclusion
- UC Berkeley
- 2013

Free Ventures
Free Ventures is UC Berkeley’s first student-initiated non-profit startup accelerator, meant to catalyze the development of young entrepreneurs to innovate and create high-impact, sustainable ventures. Free Ventures is a key part of an innovation movement that involves changing the culture amongst the student body from focusing all of their energy on classes to a world … Continue reading “Free Ventures”
- Team Members: Jeremy Fiance, Sam Kirschner, Alex Mandel, Sahana Rajasekar, Arushi Saxena
- Improving Student Life
- UC Berkeley
- 2013

Lungs For Life
Though smoking is a prevalent issue among the homeless population, it is rarely addressed. Many factors predispose homeless individuals to nicotine addiction, and the underserved often do not have sufficient medical care or the strong support base that is critical to kicking the habit. The Suitcase Clinic, a student-run volunteer organization serving the homeless in … Continue reading “Lungs For Life”
- Team Members: Brenna Alexander, Ariella Godblatt, Drew Thompson, Paulina Tsai, Allie Wallace, and Simon Wang
- Global Poverty Alleviation
- UC Berkeley
- 2013

Roofing Out of Poverty
India is experiencing rapid migration from rural areas to cities. Rampant urbanization in India has caused the proliferation of slums and increased demand for adequate housing. Among many of the physically and socially deteriorated living conditions that characterize life in the slums, housing with poor structural quality is one of the major limiting factors in … Continue reading “Roofing Out of Poverty”
- Team Members: Hasit Ganatra, Pablo Rosado, and Naomi Rosenberg
- Art & Social Change, Creative Expression for Social Justice
- UC Berkeley
- 2013

STORIE: Students for Educational Equity
STORIE will help students of the Berkeley Unified School District and UC Berkeley jointly investigate the issue of educational inequality and tell their personal stories of how inequities have affected their lives. The project will work specifically with Studio H at REALM Charter School, a design and build program that teaches critical thinking and technical … Continue reading “STORIE: Students for Educational Equity”
- Team Members: Ela Banerjee, Lindsay Walter
- Art & Social Change, Creative Expression for Social Justice, Education & Literacy
- UC Berkeley
- 2013

Fruitful Minds, Stage Two: Crossing County Lines
Fruitful Minds is determined to address the obesity epidemic by bringing nutrition education and guidance to students in elementary, middle, and high school. Operating the educational programs will also provide practical experience for college student ambassadors. In Stage One, they operated through one college (UC Berkeley) and served 10 local schools from 2010-2012. In Stage … Continue reading “Fruitful Minds, Stage Two: Crossing County Lines”
- Team Members: Paulina Altshuler, Erin Dunn, Jessica Jew, Ann Kim, Samantha Louie, Lauren McAvoy, Daniela Santana, Lauren Tarver, Connie Tien
- Scaling Up
- UC Berkeley
- 2013