Modular Riboswitch Diagnostics
- This project will consider using molecules called riboswitches to diagnose diseases (e.g. tuberculosis) in developing countries. Riboswitches are specialized nucleic acids that can be designed to bind to target molecules with high sensitivity and selectivity. This binding event leads to downstream signals that can be readily detected on a microfluidic lab-on-chip platform. Team Members: Rick Henrikson, Hangsang Cho, and Frankie Myers
- Emerging & Neglected Diseases*, Global Health
- 2008

Minimally Obtrusive Wearable Device for Continuous Interactive Cognitive and Neurological Assessment
- This project will develop a wearable device to continuously assess the cognitive capability of people with diseases such as Alzheimer's. Team Member: Antoni Ivorra, Charlotte Daniels, and Boris Rubinsky
- Information Technology for Society
- 2008

Magnolia Project
(Note: This project originally won in the Big Ideas “Social Innovation” category.)
- This project will expand UC Berkeley's education, service and advocacy efforts to rebuild the Gulf Coast following the destruction of Hurricane Katrina. Team Members: Joseph Guzman, Alice Chamberlain, Christa Lim, Nuru Abdu, Jessica Fabro, Ali Glenesk
- Global Poverty Alleviation, Social Innovation
- 2008

Integrated Diabetes Management
- This project will assess the technical and market feasibility of a system integrating glucometers and insulin pumps with wireless data transmitters, wireless mobile devices (such as smart phones), personal computers, and a web-based records database. Team Members: Christopher Hannemann and Sarah Beth Eisinger
- Information Technology for Society
- 2008

Game Based Disaster Emergency Response Training
- Our idea is to develop a training game for teaching collapsed structure rescue skills to members of emergency response community. The trainee will specify which skills they want to train, and the game will create a unique scenario that contains the appropriate challenges. Team Member: Kenneth Hullett
- Information Technology for Society
- 2008

Coupling Wind Generators with Flexible Loads
- A proposal for large scale integration of renewable energy: A significant proportion of the energy we consume is dedicated to duties which are not time specific (think of dishwashers, dryers and laundry). This proposal suggests that renewable generators control a group of loads remotely, and supply power within a not completely predictable yet reasonable amount of time. Team Members: Anthony Papavasiliou, Mauricio Junca, and Thomas Dickhoff
- Information Technology for Society
- 2008

CleanTech Solutions
- An interdisciplinary graduate course providing students the opportunity to work with clients from companies, governmental entities, and nonprofits to solve real-life problems in energy and environmental issues through first-hands research, case study writing, networking, and presentation. Team Members: Sarah Barker-Ball, Max Baumhefner, Avery Cohn, Howard Chong, Jerome Fox, Louise Gibbons, Joseph Levin, Michael Martin, Maria Schriver, Ryan Stanley
- Curricular Innovation, Improving Student Life
- 2008

- Guatemala Solar Hot Water Heater This team is developing an affordable residential solar hot water system for developing countries. The system will be constructed using local materials and labor to minimize cost and maximize impact. Prototypes have been developed for households of the city of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala and additional field testing, surveys, and design changes are in the team’s future plans. Team Members: Sara Al-Beaini, Alissa Johnson, Kenneth Armijo, Merwan Benhabib, Yang-Yang Chen, Howdy Goudey, Adam Langton, Samantha Engelage, Ernesto Rodriguez
- Climate, Energy & Sustainability, Energy Efficient Technologies*
- 2008

Bringing Reliable Power & Mobile Communication to West Africa
- We propose a “proof of concept” project to demonstrate the impact that reliable power and communications will have on addressing problems of sporadic supply electricity in rural northern Nigeria to improve emergency obstetric care. We will design and install a photovoltaic energy system retrofit to power lighting, medical equipment and communication equipment in a major municipal hospital. Team Members: Laura Stachel, Christian Casillas, Melissa Ho, Hal Aronson, and Andrew Sproul
- Information Technology for Society
- 2008