Past Winners

San Quentin All Access Computer Center

Through the introduction of an all-access computer center at San Quentin State prison, we propose a feasibility study and a pilot impact study of computer training in two distinct educational programs: one program will focus on instructing basic computer literacy to inmate students in the GED preparation class, and the other will concentrate on teaching … Continue reading “San Quentin All Access Computer Center”

Point of Care Device

We are developing a novel, easy-to-use, patent-pending, point-of-care platform for multiplexed, digital disease detection. We have applied digital Integrated Circuit (IC) technology, the same technology that has underpinned the IT revolution, to encapsulate the performance of a laboratory assay in the palm of the hand. We envision that our device will be capable of communicating … Continue reading “Point of Care Device”

Pinoleville Pomo Nation (TELUS)

The project is a partnership between the Pinoleville-Pomo Nation (PPN) and the University of California, Berkeley. The purpose of this project is to develop a series of community-based service learning modules (CBSLM) in which graduate and undergraduate students at UC Berkeley will partner with members of the PPN to co-design a Tribal Energy, Land Use, … Continue reading “Pinoleville Pomo Nation (TELUS)”

Metamouse: Technology to Aid Multiple Users in Sharing Existing Applications

Technology to Aid Multiple Users in Sharing Existing Applications: We propose an easy to implement interaction system that allows multiple users to share existing applications without modification. We call this system Metamouse. Metamouse provides each user their own mouse and cursor. These cursors are then mapped down to one metacursor, which interacts with the existing … Continue reading “Metamouse: Technology to Aid Multiple Users in Sharing Existing Applications”

Men’s Story Project

The Men’s Story Project (MSP) is a replicable, performance-based, community discussion project through which participants critically examine social ideas about masculinity. The MSP mission is to strengthen social norms that support healthy masculinities and gender equality, and to help eliminate gender-based violence, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, and other oppressions that are intertwined with masculinities, through ongoing … Continue reading “Men’s Story Project”


Patients facing the most complex and difficult diagnoses sometimes see dozens of doctors and spend years searching for answers. Ultimately, resolving many of these cases depends upon matching a patient with a unique, complex, and potentially rare condition to the doctor with the expertise, experience, and insight to recognize and diagnose it. By providing a … Continue reading “Hyoumanity”

Disability Awareness through Sport

The Disability Awareness Through Sport (DATS) project partners UC Berkeley and the Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program (BORP) in a collaborative effort to increase disability awareness and student service on the Cal campus and in the surrounding Berkeley community. These two organizations will work together to implement a course in which students will use … Continue reading “Disability Awareness through Sport”

CINCH: Cell Phone Technologies to Increase Nigerian Community Health

This project aims to determine suitable mobile technologies that will improve the health care system in Nigeria. Cell phone technologies are the most efficient way to get information to the majority of citizens in cities and in rural areas. Most of Nigeria does not have access to a constant electricity source. Mobile phones are much … Continue reading “CINCH: Cell Phone Technologies to Increase Nigerian Community Health”

Chronic Disease Tracking & Management