Past Winners


Flowbit will build a low-cost, flexible system that is capable of providing the following services to developing world projects: remote monitoring, remote control, and accessible data storage. Flowbit will improve the scalability of existing developing world projects while improving transparency and service to the people who depend on them.

Berkeley City College Service Community

The Berkeley City College Service Community (BCCSC) is a student-led program that assists community college students with the transfer process, provides them with enhanced leadership and service opportunities, and connects them to resources that will help them achieve their education and personal goals.


Cashify seeks to innovate what financial literacy means for over 65 million young adults. Cashify provides a sustainable business model for an engaging social platform and a series of exclusive events that empowers students with the financial knowledge and long-term access to relevant resources necessary to make informed financial decisions.

Pop-Up Radio Archive

Independent radio producers like the Kitchen Sisters record thousands of hours of sound, but have no system for digitally preserving or providing access to this material. The Pop-Up Radio team built a free, open source archive system with partners at SoundCloud and the Internet Archive, for easy use by producers who lack funding and technical … Continue reading “Pop-Up Radio Archive”


Emmunify enables patients in the most underserved regions of developing countries to easily keep an electronic copy of their vaccination record on their cell phone. Emmunify’s electronic record allows health workers to easily identify patients, track their vaccination status, and administer the right vaccine at the right time.


Today, the increasing popularity of social media campaigns has heightened the importance of multimedia. Videos are an essential aspect of an influential online presence, but professional videography services are usually too expensive and inaccessible for nonprofits. AMASS Media aims to democratize access to multimedia services to empower social impact organizations.


To combat increasing student debt from rising tuition fees by bringing financial literacy to high schools. CA$HFLOW’s teaching ideology is focused on reinforcing content through a democratic model of peer-to-peer teaching. At the end of the program, students will be empowered to manage their post-high school finances.

Que Viva La Mujer: Knights Landing Community Maternal Health Program

This team aims to open a maternal care unit with an onsite OB/GYN in the Knights Landing community of Yolo County. Since the closing of CommuniCare in 2008, the community of approximately 750 migrant families and undocumented workers living in Knights Landing has lacked access to comprehensive health care in their community up until the … Continue reading “Que Viva La Mujer: Knights Landing Community Maternal Health Program”

Green Campus

The Berkeley Green Campus program strives to educate students, staff, faculty, and the local community about the importance of energy conservation and achieve substantial energy savings by implementing projects on the main campus and in the residence halls.