Past Winners

Building Three Sustainable Hogans in the Former Bennett Freeze Region of the Navajo Reservation

Project Pueblo is seeking to build a sustainable cordwood office Hogans and a 20’x40’ multipurpose warehouse in the former Bennett Freeze region of the Navajo reservation for Forgotten People, a grassroots nonprofit organization formed and based in the region. With only 24% of homes in the region habitable, these funds will provide a base that … Continue reading “Building Three Sustainable Hogans in the Former Bennett Freeze Region of the Navajo Reservation”

Students-Community Collaborative Design Challenge

This project will enhance community engagement on campus on three levels: practice, education, and research. A collaborative process between design students on campus, a nearby community, and CARES – a multidisciplinary team of designers and researchers – will be initiated through a design challenge, where students will offer design ideas to a real life design … Continue reading “Students-Community Collaborative Design Challenge”

CAL Community Kitchen

The goal of CAL Community Kitchen is to create a community-run kitchen which makes use of consumable leftover food goods from a network of local restaurants and small farms to creating healthy boxed meals for families in need. This work will be done by UCB undergraduate and graduate students and various community organizations dedicated to … Continue reading “CAL Community Kitchen”

Social Resources for a Healthy Community

Social Resources for a Healthy Community aims to take available social services and fully maximize their effects on communities. The program is designed to engage Berkeley students in service learning and immerses them in real life issues. Students will be trained through DeCal classes on campus in social work approaches and methods with the assistance … Continue reading “Social Resources for a Healthy Community”

The Youth Empowerment Program

The Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) aims to provide a network of support and hope to immigrant children held in federal custody by connecting them to student role models from the University of California. YEP uses a five-month curriculum to help detained youth develop teamwork and leadership skills, reflect upon their past and make positive plans … Continue reading “The Youth Empowerment Program”

Shreddr: Data from Paper to the Cloud

Development organizations around the world are increasingly reliant on accurate and timely data for decision-making at all levels. Unfortunately, the infrastructure and capacity for data entry and management have not kept pace, especially for low-resource organizations in the field. Even though millions of dollars of aid money each year is spent on data collection, entry … Continue reading “Shreddr: Data from Paper to the Cloud”

Tekla Labs

Access to standard lab equipment is a serious limitation to scientific education, research and capacity building in many parts of the world. To combat this problem, Tekla Labs aims to empower scientists and engineers to construct their own quality lab equipment from locally available supplies using detailed and reliable protocols. While many real-world examples of … Continue reading “Tekla Labs”

Class Projects to Social Ventures

There are countless student projects completed each year in academic classes that never get used in the real world because students do not know how to move them to the next level. Similarly, there are real causes that desperately need creative solutions. They can provide a forum for learning in class projects. “Class Projects to … Continue reading “Class Projects to Social Ventures”

Silicon Based Portable Imaging Device

This research aims at the design and realization of a high-precision, low-cost, handheld, pulsed-based, reflection-sensing imaging module in microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies. The device termed the Time-Domain Ultra-Wideband Synthetic Imager (TUSI) would be capable of accurately detecting minute reflections and by capturing the data from multiple transceivers form a synthesized image of the object. The … Continue reading “Silicon Based Portable Imaging Device”