Past Winners

A Proposal to Processing & Using Biodiesel

One of today’s biggest environmental concerns is the emission of greenhouse gases and other harmful substances from the burning of fossil fuels. There is much need today for alternative energy sources, one of which is biodiesel. UC Berkeley dining services consumes an incredible amount of oil that UC Berkeley could both process and use as … Continue reading “A Proposal to Processing & Using Biodiesel”

A Novel Recycling of Used Cooking Oil

This project proposes that UC Berkeley generate its own biodiesel using the 500 gallons of used cooking oil generated weekly by Crossroads Dining Commons, Foothill Dining Commons, and the Golden Bear Café, for consumption in the campus’s Bear Transit buses. The team has been able to project production of 500 gallons weekly if two reactors … Continue reading “A Novel Recycling of Used Cooking Oil”

Waste Into Fuel

“Waste Into Fuel” is a plan that will allow the Berkeley campus to harness the energy potential of the waste cooking oil that it currently disposes to replace various diesel-using appliances and utilities on campus — resulting in an overall savings of $30,000 annually after the first year of use. “Waste into Fuel” proposes that … Continue reading “Waste Into Fuel”

Developing a Portable Method to Predict Dengue Virus Infection

Dengue virus causes the most common mosquito-borne viral disease affecting humans, with 3 billion people at risk for infection and an estimated 50 million cases each year. The goal of this project is to prevent severe illness and death from dengue through the use of a portable method in the field to identify the most … Continue reading “Developing a Portable Method to Predict Dengue Virus Infection”


Energy efficiency represents a vast, low-cost energy resource—but it can only be unlocked with an innovative and comprehensive market based approach. There is growing demand for an alternate financing mechanism for the implementation of energy conservation measures to reduce energy consumption and thereby lower greenhouse gas emissions. Zaakta is a webbased marketplace that brings together … Continue reading “Zaakta”

Monte Verde Solar

On Calle de Monte Verde in Nicaragua, poor farmers with no daily earning, depend directly on agriculture for their livelihoods and survival. Water is raised from wells by hand-cranked levers which lift small buckets from the depths to the surface where they are detached from the well rope and dumped into a larger bucket located … Continue reading “Monte Verde Solar”

INSTAR (INertial STorage And Recovery)

Today’s hybrid and plug-in electric automobiles are able to recover some of the energy normally lost to friction during braking. Even in today’s cutting-edge vehicles, however, a large amount of kinetic energy is still lost to braking during the typical stop-and-go urban commute. INSTAR is a system designed to greatly improve on existing technologies in … Continue reading “INSTAR (INertial STorage And Recovery)”

DC Microgrids for Developing Regions

Like rural areas in many developing countries, India’s rural regions lack reliable electricity. Energy needs are often met by kerosene or highly inefficient power generators. This project will address this problem by developing micro-grids that will bring reliable, efficient and inexpensive electricity to regions of rural India. The project combines local, small-scale energy production facilities … Continue reading “DC Microgrids for Developing Regions”

Higher Education Capacity Building in Haiti

The earthquake that struck Haiti in January 2010 displaced over one million, and resulted in over 300,000 deaths, including a staggering 18,000 fatalities of highly-skilled professionals. Haiti’s largest public institution of higher learning, the Universite d’Etat d’Haiti (UEH), lost 90% of its physical infrastructure. In a response to the need that arose from this devastation, … Continue reading “Higher Education Capacity Building in Haiti”